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11-05-2010 16:09:45
Ratna Sagar's Higher Academic Division PRIMUS Books released the book MUSIC AS HISTORY IN TAMILNADU on 28 April 2010 at the India International Centre, New Delhi
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The book was released by imminent historian Professor Irfan Habib and received by Dr Kapila Vatsyayan, Chairperson, Asia Project, India International Centre.
The author, Professor T.K. Venkatasubramanian, teaches at the Department of History, University of Delhi. His book Music As History in Tamilnadu seeks to establish the interdisciplinarity between music (the  Karnatak system) and the history of Tamilnadu, south India.

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11-02-2010 09:33:52
Primus Books released eight new titles on 4 February 2010 at the India Habitat Centre, New Delhi.
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The function included talks by a distinguished panel of academics and thinkers on the 'Cultural, Intellectual and Maritime History of India'. Talks by Dr Kapila Vatsyayan, Chairperson, The Asia Project, IIC, New Delhi, and Professors Harbans Mukhia, Kunal Chakrabarti and Ishrat Alam were highlights of the event. The function was attended by invitees from academia, government and the industry. The titles released were 'The Making of the Awadh Culture', 'Ginans: Texts and Contexts', 'Literature, Culture and History in Mughal North India, c 1550-1800', 'Explorations in Modern Bengal, c 1800-1900: Essays on Religion, History and Culture', 'Chingiz Khan: The Life and Legacy of an Empire-Builder', 'Essays on Literature, History and Society', 'Maritime India: Trade, Religion and Polity in the Indian Ocean' and 'Coastal Histories: Society and Ecology in pre-Modern India'.

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11-02-2010 09:32:34
Why do children resort to aggressive behavior? Who is responsible for their aggression? What is the solution? All these questions were discussed in a lively panel discussion organised by Ratna Sagar Pvt. Ltd.
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Dr. Jitendra Nagpal, Programme Director of “Expressions India”, explained the social and cultural causes of aggression among children. Dr. Jyoti Bose, eminent educationist, said that children must be seen as a joint responsibility of parents as well as the school. Mrs Geetanjali Kumar spoke about the need to adopt a confident, warm and intimate atmosphere at home to ward off aggressive behavior by children. A book entitled ‘You Did on Purpose: Understanding and Changing Aggression by Cynthia Hudley was launched. It discusses the ways  of understanding and controlling children’s aggression and it is a must-read for parents and professionals who work with children.


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